Your Campaign Progression
Our service is based on either a maximum number of calls or on a maximum number of hours booked basis.

If booked under a set number of hours
Our system will handle the usage of these hours and will automatically stop when the assigned hours run out. We cannot provide a running total of hours completed nor a snapshot of where the campaign is in relation to hours booked.

Customers Covered
This refers the total number of prospects assigned to your campaign. It does not reflect the actual number of calls made as in some instances prospects may have been called multiple times in one day. We keep calling up to our maximum call attempts however the actual number of customers reached can be affected by the length of the script used, and or the length of each conversation/ interaction with the the prospect.

Contacts/ Positive Response
This is the ratio of the number conversations per one positive result. The calculation is made based on actual conversations and therefore exclude all unreachable contacts, wrong numbers and disconnected calls.

A positive result is defined as any lead that has moved from Cold to Hot lead status e.g. Appointments, Leads, Sales, or any prime objective. However Warm leads are also counted. There can be secondary objectives that can also be considered as positive outcomes. For example a result code of (ORC) means that the prospect may have said no to the main campaign objective at that time however they are Ok to be re-contacted at a later date. A result of (CALL) indicates that prospect has asked a particular question or raised a particular objection that they would like to have further clarification on. And finally a result of (S/E) is someone that has agreed to receiving an email. These are generally all classified as positive outcomes as they have moved from a Cold Leads, to either a Warm or Hot Lead status.

(CALLAPPT)= Call to set Appointment
A CALLAPPT is result code we use and is in fact someone that has said they are interested in appointment but can’t make a set time right there and then for various reasons. Often people do not have access to their diary for various reasons (driving a vehicle for example) and rather than waste calls again on trying to reach that person that has already said they are interested in a set appointment time but can’t make a time right now; we gain a commitment to an appointment and send this to you for your staff to organise a time with this prospect.

(FAX, POST, S/E, RSE or SE+CB) = Send Info Requested
These are various result codes we use in the event there has been permission or a request from the prospect to receive information about your business offering. Please note that we do not fax or post information so action is required on your behalf should there be an entry in your report with either of these result codes (FAX) or (POST). If you have organized prior for us to email information on your behalf then either the (S/E), (RSE) or (SE+CB) result codes will be used and that information will already have been sent by us otherwise action is required on your behalf to send information. Should you have requested follow-ups calls to be made for all emails sent then we will use the (SE+CB) result code which indicates that we have sent an email and have scheduled a follow-up call. Further when we do callback and are told the customer did not receive it, we will use (RSE), then (RSE1) for the third attempt, and (RSE2) for the fourth attempt at which point we generally cease attempts.

(U/R) = Unreachable/ Not available/ Not In/ Busy
This result code accounts for all prospects that were unable to be reached – they’re “unreachable”. However conversations may have occurred with someone other than the target person. They may have been either a) not available or b) not in at present or c) they were busy and we were on hold or d) the call may have gone to voice-mail or e) an answering machine.

* Often there is a higher than expected level of unreachable numbers. What in fact this means is that we are doing our job properly. Often poor telemarketers fail to get past and or provide too much information to the wrong person (e.g. the person that first answers the phone) and end up receiving a not interested result. This is not what you want and is due to poor telemarketing skills. Essentially this is disastrous as it now means you have a not interested result from a person you may not even have been targeting. And as long as that same person continues to initially answer that phone you will never get another chance. This is poor telemarketing and you do not want that. Our team are trained not to divulge more than what’s needed just to get through or arrange a callback without the person initially answering the phone call making a negative decision on behalf of the target person, hence the high U/R results.*

Our process involves attempting to reach all target prospects within the assigned maximum campaign hours. All (U/R) result codes are automatically regenerated back into the call cycle. The recycling of unreachable contacts is automatically handled by our system that uses a complex calculation method of establishing when to recycle these calls and is based on three factors.

1) the total number of target campaign prospects, 2) the stage of completion at which the campaign has reached and 3) the rate of calls achieved per day (which can be affected by the average call duration and the number of assigned telemarketers).

As result a target prospect may be called multiple times in one day reaching the maximum call attempts at which point this target prospect is closed off permanently for the current campaign as unreachable. A campaign will accelerate as it draws closer to its conclusion due to the diminishing number of contacts available within our system. What this means is a campaign can finish very suddenly, it is a bit like sand filtering through a funnel; as the volume diminishes through the funnel, the remainder accelerates through the funnel quicker and quicker.

In the event of voice-mail or answering machine, engaged phone or the phone rings out we will always use the (U/R) result code. In the event we speak to a person that informs that target person is not in or not available, we will always ask if there was a specific time to call back and if so use the Callback result code (C/B). If a specific time is not provided to call back we will use the (U/R) result code. (C/B) results are not automatically generated back into the call cycle and are called as per their scheduled time and can affect the total number of contacts reached and can result in some contacts with no call history. NOTE: Most of the U/R results are not a simple matter of the phone being engaged or ringing out where the call can be terminated in seconds. In fact most unreachable calls (U/R results) have had an actual conversation take place and or may have been put on hold or asked to wait while the correct person is sought. Unfortunately this still eats in the overall call time.

Here is an example of how this recycling of calls can occur.

The initial call might result in an unknown time as to when to callback, in other words no specific time was given so it’s saved as (U/R) and automatically cycled back into the system at a later time. Then on the same day we callback however again no callback time is provided. Then let’s say we call one more time (on the same day) and on that call attempt we are given a specific callback time and save as a Callback result code (C/B). However we may have already reached the maximum call attempts all on the one day so this will remain in the final report as C/B result code.

In many other cases we are not ever provided a specific callback time so these get recycled right back to the end of the call que and once re-called and exhausted can still appear as U/R on the final report. However either result code (C/B or U/R) that appear in the final report will indicate they have already been exhausted with multiple call attempts and or we have run out of campaign hours assigned to your project.