Telemarketing Lead Generation Expert


- Professional Appointment Setters
- B2b or B2c Appointments
- All Highly Qualified
- Booked into your calendar
- No Over Promising


WE’RE appointment setting eXPERTS

We specialise in Appointment Setting with an expert team of telemarketers – and for any industry

Often our customers tell us they are great once they’re in front of the prospects. But they are simply not getting enough appointments to be in front of. That’s where we come in.

We book appointments for any industry


Think about this: if you’re the owner of Director of a company, how are your positioned if you have to call a prospect to set-up your own appointments? For a start, it’s not the best approach to foster a peer-level relationship.
This is where our appointment setting service brings immediate value at different levels.
Firstly, it you’re a small business owner you can immediately punch above your weight. Our company can position you as the Managing Director, working with your prospect’s own assistant and setting up the meeting without your involvement.
This not only frees up precious time of key personal it enhances their professional image.
Compare that to if you’d had to phone cold and ask yourself, which positions you best with your prospect?


The second compelling reason to use third-party services for appointment setting is one of simple economics.

Depending on the level of prospect you’re a looking for appointment with, from the CEO in large corporations down to owners of small business, it takes a certain amount of time book a qualified sales appointments; anything from 2 days to 2 months for very hard-to-reach prospects to half a day for smaller companies is the norm.
Think about that; how much is a day of your time worth? Isn’t your time better spent elsewhere? We already have the infrastructure in place to help you.

Many organisations have come to the conclusion that their staff are much better utilised closing opportunities in Appointments rather than spending their valuable time on the phone Appointment Setting.

One of the main reasons for this conclusion is that sitting on the phone and face to face sales calls require two very distinct mind sets. And calling can be counter productive as it can be a hard slog and will often leave a sales person feeling flat when they should be in positive state of mind.

Better Results

This final reason is probably the best reason for using our appointment setting service. To book appointments with many of your target prospects will require a persistent approach.
Our dedicated appointment setting service is exactly that – dedicated.
All our Appointment Setters are seasoned professionals so you don’t need to worry about quality, nor employment costs, sick days, training or monitoring, just NO headaches!

And we have that capacity to delivery large volumes of highly qualified appointments to cater for any size organisation. This can allow you to ramp volumes as much or a little as required and when required.

By using our appointment setting services you will get better results. This is because, we have improved appointment setting capabilities and systems and do this day in day out.
And you’ll also get better results simply because we will stick at it, consistently, until they book the meeting. BUT not at the cost of quality!


Cold Callers

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